Development of Autopoietic Theory on the Effect of Content Dimensions of Corporate Structure on the Development of Integrated Reporting Financial Paradigm

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate of Accounting, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Accounting, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of Accounting, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran.



Objective: With the change in society's approach and the development of capital markets, today, accounting information systems play a vital role in the information circulation of companies in the development of stakeholders' decisions because many economic decisions are made based on the information obtained from these systems, which form a major share of securities exchanges. Integrated reporting as a new basis for improving the quality of financial reporting, taking into account the latest developments in this field, creates this opportunity. In addition to disclosing quality information, to fill information gaps by providing integrated information about all value-creating activities in the company. Today, reporting is not just for information, but with the expansion of management and business concepts; companies look to all stakeholders and significant changes in business methods, capital generation and the field of interaction with stakeholders to meet this need; turning to integrated reporting as a basis for developing stakeholder engagement values can be very important and effective. However, the lack of coordination and balance between the structure and systems, such as the financial reporting system, means that the functions of the integrated reporting method cannot create comprehensive value. This research aims to develop Autopoietic Theory on the effect of corporate structure's content dimensions on developing an integrated reporting financial paradigm.
Method: The present research is considered applied research from the result approach and is classified as descriptive/correlational research in terms of purpose. Because it studies the data related to a period 2019-2020, based on the method of cross-sectional data analysis, based on path analysis and the structural modeling framework of Partial Least Squares (PLS), data related to the reporting integration variable were extracted through the company information disclosure scorecard based on financial statement reports and data related to content dimensions were collected by sending a questionnaire to the managers of the surveyed companies.
Results: Based on the results, it was determined that the highest average amount is related to the component of the technology dimension in the dimensions of the content dimensions of the companies' structure, which indicates the level of influence of technology in the content fit of capital market companies, which suggests the need for advanced knowledge in competitive market conditions. Also, the mean and median of integrity reporting are 0.58 and 1.00, respectively. On the other hand, it was found that the highest standard deviation is related to the variable of the environmental dimension of content dimensions, which indicates the level of variability of the external environment of companies in their decision-making functions. This result shows how much the participants' opinions regarding the environmental dimension are scattered on the Likert spectrum. Also, the results showed that the content dimensions have a positive and significant effect on developing the reporting integrity paradigm.
Conclusion: Based on the hypothesis test of the research, it was determined that, based on the expansion of the autopoiesis theory, which expresses the level of alignment of the structure with the system, the content dimensions as the structural basis of a company could increase the positive effect in the reporting integration paradigm. This result is indicative of this theoretical issue in the formation of the theory of autopoiesis that companies that adapt the system based on circular causality, that is, external changes based on social expectations and values, have institutionalized external challenges in themselves, and this issue It increases the resulting values for the beneficiaries. Because the company, based on the principle of commitment to disclosure and integrated reporting, strives to achieve consistent content features such as strategies and technologies, create company size and cultural dimensions with information requirements to strengthen inclusive values in this sector. Values that are more based on effective functions of information for stakeholders. On the other hand, in the analysis of this result, it is essential to mention that the autopathic structure of companies helps a system such as financial reporting so that the level of interaction of the stakeholders based on information values takes a more coherent form and the link between the company's functions and the consequences resulting from these functions because Creating inclusive values for the stakeholders should be balanced. Therefore, the interpretation of autopsies helps the integrity reporting system to create stability. The company commits to allowing the system to meet the stakeholders' needs in the dimension of financial decisions based on reporting integrity. This result showed that based on the development of the utopia theory, which expresses the level of alignment of the structure with the system, the content dimension as a structural basis of a company could increase the positive effect on the reporting integration paradigm.


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