To provide connection among professionals and scholars in scientific research centers, and running new findings and viewpoints in accounting and auditing fields, the Journal of Accounting Knowledge accepts articles at highly qualified level from respected academics and scholars in those fields. The original articles are expected, at high priority, to provide analytical and applied enquiries on important issues and challenges in the fields at country level, along with problem solving proposals. Also, the articles presenting analysis on international issues and challenges are welcomed approvingly, with no restraint on the worldwide scholars in the fields. The expected article titles at the headline are as the followings, but not restricted to these:
- Financial reporting
- Accounting modeling and processing
- Managerial accounting
- Accounting information systems
- Auditing
- Social and environmental accounting
- Sustainability accounting
- Moral and training issues in accounting
- Tax accounting
- Islamic issues in accounting and financial reporting
- Public sector accounting
- Accounting issues on human resources and intangible assets
- Firms’ strategies and directing
The above mentioned headlines and similar more could be considered in this journal with the following objectives:
1) Contribution in promoting professional accounting and auditing by publishing original researches and updated findings of the academics and scholars in accounting fields.
2) Provision of the required background and education in the fields of accounting and auditing for communication between researchers and in-practice professionals.
3) Acquaint the experts and in-practice professionals with the principal and conceptual issues of highly priority in currently accounting and auditing analyses, at national and international levels.
4) Contribution in developing, publishing and promoting updated methods in researches in accounting and auditing, regarding new technical aspects of researches.