Unstructured Information Environment, Decision Making, Cognitive Styles, and Human Information Processing Capacity

Document Type : Research Paper



Most researches show that human power in processing information is limited. Also, information structure may influence this process highly.  In this study, to evaluate different decision making methods, a cognitive and behavioral model is used. The fields of this research in the area of territory subject to the theory of information overload and processing Brunswick Leans Model is in the behavioral accounting discipline. This research has a quasi-experimental method. In this study, the experimental group of 176 respondents was classified in four dominant styles of directive, analytical, conceptual, and behavioral sense. Also, the study takes a classification of investors with respect to brain dominant style, cognitive complexity, and the tolerance level under uncertainty situation. The evidence revealed that a left-brain dominant style, on average, spends more time to process information. Also, the analytical decision-making style spends more time than the other styles to process information. The evidence, in addition, showed that the left-brain dominant style, on average, takes more information items to process to make decision. Also, the behavioral decision-making style needs the lowest information items to make decision
