Investigating the Relation of between Earning Quality and Information Asymmetry of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange

Document Type : Research Paper



research assesses the relationship between information asymmetry and earnings quality. To measure earnings quality, we use two models: Dechow and Dichev (2002) and Sloan (1996). To measure the information asymmetry in the first hypothesis, we take the criterion of percentage effective spread, and in the second hypothesis, the criterion of percentage impact price. To analyze the hypothesis, the statistical tests of analysis of variance and multiple regression have been used. The society in this research, is the companies accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange and the statistical sample includes 59 companies in the years 1383 to 1388. The research results showed that there was a meaningful relationship between earnings quality and information asymmetry in the manner that decreasing earnings quality will result in increase in information asymmetry. Also, information asymmetry in the period before announcing earnings is more than the period after announcing earnings.


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