Investigating the Effects of Mental Well-Being and Financial Transparency on the Willingness to Invest in Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. of Accounting, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Accounting, Gorgan Branch Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Management and Accounting, Islamic Azad University Aliabad Katul Branch, Aliabad Katul, Iran.

4 Ph.D. Accounting Department, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran.



Objective: The mental well-being of investors is one of the most important issues in today's economy, because this well-being has an impact on decisions and behaviors and can be considered as an influential factor. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting mental well-being and financial transparency in the supply and willingness of investors to invest in companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange.
Method: This research is of descriptive-exploratory and applied type and is of mixed type, therefore it is divided into two parts: quantitative and qualitative. The statistical population of this research is in the quantitative part of the investors of Tehran Stock Exchange and in the qualitative part of the academic experts. Sampling method in the qualitative part is the snowball method and in the quantitative part, the method is available. The sample size is equal to 384 people and the research time is 2020-2021. The method of analysis of the findings is exploratory factor analysis and the structural equation model has been used to test the hypotheses.
Findings: The research findings show that mental well-being with 6 factors and perception of transparency with 9 factors affect the willingness to invest. Findings indicate that six factors (1- Satisfaction with the disclosure of financial information, 2- Satisfaction with the forecast of future profits, 3- Satisfaction with the possibility of bankruptcy, 4- Satisfaction with the possibility of easy financing, 5- Satisfaction with adherence to principles Ethical, 6- Satisfaction of proper relations with the company) on the mental well-being of investors and 9 factors (1- Disclosure of long-term investment information, 2- Disclosure of research and development costs, 3- Disclosure of capital expenditure information, 4- Disclosure Information of subsidiaries, 5- Sector reporting, 6- Disclosure of analysts' information, 7- Quick access to information and media, 8- Publication of actions and decisions of institutional investors, 9- Disclosure of company characteristics such as non-executive members, size, financial leverage And profitability) affect the financial transparency of companies and transparency and mental well-being affect the willingness of investors.
Conclusion: Transparency and mental well-being are among the factors that investors pay attention to in their decisions today. Transparency actually means the availability of financial information for investors, which can motivate them to participate in economic partnerships and affect mental well-being, which is an internal factor, and according to the research findings, the more mental well-being increases; The desire to invest also increases.


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