Author = Gholamreza Kordestani
The Time Delay in Dividend Payment and Its Related Factors in the Iranian Stock Market

Volume 15, Issue 3, October 2024, Pages 47-68


Gholamreza Kordestani; Seyed Sepehr Mousavi

Developing a Model for Executive Directors Compensation Plan Based on Balanced Scorecard Framework

Volume 11, Issue 2, August 2020, Pages 31-69


Mozhdeh Ghasemi; Gholamreza Kordestani; Hamid Haghighat; AbbasAli Daryae

The difference in the persistent of the industry’s earnings and firm-specific earnings

Volume 8, Issue 3, November 2017, Pages 35-51


Gholamreza Kordestani (Ph.D); Mohammad Rahimpour; Ramin Ghorbani

Capital Structure: The Emprical Investigation of Market Timing Theory

Volume 3, Issue 9, June 2012, Pages 123-142


Gholamreza Kordestani; Tannaz Pirdavari